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Motivational Speaking Session..

We Are Here To Support

You In Raising Your Team's Engagement

Unlock their creativity through our programs.

Cultivating strong relationships between colleagues typically enhances the experience people have at work, which in turn makes them happier and more dedicated to their job.

Why Employee Personal Development Matter...

Studies have revealed that happy employees are 20% more productive than employees who are unhappy. Other studies showed that a whopping 51% of employees are not engaged at work.

One of the best ways to increase happiness in any workforce is to invest in personal development, both for leaders and their teams.

Happy employees ultimately benefit businesses as it is reflected in the bottom line through higher output and enhanced performance.

Help your team succeed by unlocking their creativity through our training programs.


Tanique is a successful entrepreneur who works with Small and Medium Businesses, teaching Leaders how to improve team performance through the use of strengthspotting to achieve strong relationship within their teams so that team members feel more fulfilled in their roles which helps improve bottom line results. This she employs through Leadership Masterminds, Group Training, Empowerment Sessions, Team Building Sessions and 1:1 Coaching.

She's a seasoned entrepreneur with a wealth of knowledge about aligning with your realized and unrealized strengths. Her strategies have aided the success of other high-achieving female professionals. Tanique is passionate about assisting others and is excited to share her knowledge with you.

As a speaker, coach trainer, and consultant, I add value by 

assisting the client in becoming aware of their outstanding

and extensive knowledge and talents. I then give the 

client freedom to grow in their own environment 

while believing in their ability and diligence.

Client Review

Tanique has a very energizing facilitation style. She engaged our group through interactive learning while challenging us to see criticism as a catalyst for growth. We were highly impressed with the 15 elements she shared with us that we could apply immediately in our professional and personal lives. It was a great session, and we will definitely invite Tanique back to speak with us.

Dr. Angela D. Pearson,

VP of Programming - SEVA ATD 


"Employee development isn't about building skills for a specific role - it's an ongoing process focused on helping everyone progress along their personal career path." BRIDGE.

Leaders' attitudes and behaviors influence others, and rules and procedures reinforce them. Along with training, information, and assistance, it is critical to foster a culture that encourages growth and career development.

One of the best ways to increase happiness in any workforce is to invest in personal development, both for leaders and their teams. 

When leaders invest in the personal development of their employees, they are investing in producing greatness within their companies. It is evident that in a culture where everyone feels like their best interests matter and where employees know those in leadership care about their dreams and goals, their performance is higher. These companies tend to thrive and have few dissatisfied employees. When this kind of culture exists, employees respond by being committed and engaged.


Studies by top consulting organizations indicate that money spent on training employees will save companies far more in the future.

Hiring someone can cost up to 30% of the job's salary for which an employee that makes US$40,000 a year equals US$12,000 to hire someone new. When employees feel unappreciated and like they have no purpose, this can lead to turnover or poor performance.



Leading & Influence

Coaching & Mentoring


Emotional Intelligence

Assertiveness & Self-confidence

Respect in the Workplace


Who Are Customer Service Providers?

What is Customer Service?

Establishing Your Attitude

Turning Difficult Customers Around

The Bottom Line:

In-house and outsourced trainings, conferences, seminars, and coaching make employees better and more reliable resources. These types of investments in employees make them feel that the responsibility of the organization lies on their shoulders. Trainings/Coaching help an employee perform at his or her best, eventually benefiting the organization and yielding higher profits.

Life coaching is where a coach partners with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

Clips from some of our Workshops

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<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Client Review

"...Creating materials that better met the needs of prospective skilled volunteers." 

Tanique really listened to our needs and provided sensible, realistic advice and guidance we were easily able to utilize.

Mike Zervos,


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